

Ms. Maka Eristavi

Ms. Maka Eristavi needs a table, chairs and a cupboard.

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Single, with disability of I-st category, Maka Eristavi is suffering from cerebral stroke. She cannot move without supports. Ms. Maka Eristavi needs kitchen table, chairs and a cupboard. As she uses the furniture for her support it is recommended to supply with the solid wood/metal furniture. The current furniture, that she owns is heavily destroyed. 

The income of Ms. Maka Eristavi is pension which amounts to 122 GEL per month. Therefore she cannot afford to acquire the furniture with her own means. 

The table and chairs in the store Danish House costs 159 GEL, and a cupboard 169 GEL. Project costs are: 328 + 25% = 410 GEL

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